
We are a construction company.

We are passionate about building spaces where amazing things happen.
Our clients have big dreams, and we take pride in bringing those dreams to life. 

Quality First, Value Always

At Harvey Cleary, quality isn’t subjective. It is a clear, established baseline for every project we do. We set these expectations for our entire staff and hold them to it. Quality is evident in the interactions between the entire project team and deliverables, like clarity and completeness of our documentation and reporting and expert craftsmanship of the built project. 

Valuing our Subcontractors

We abide by the golden rule to treat others as we wish to be treated and treat our subcontractors with the utmost respect. We consider them our partners, valued for the expertise each brings to the project. We encourage them to view themselves as part of a bigger team, to be creative problem solvers, and to take ownership of their roles. We’ve developed excellent relationships with major subcontractors in all the markets we serve. And it is one of the biggest values clients receive, evident in the quality of the finished project. 


As a construction company, safety is one of our top priorities. We take pride in having one of the best safety records in the industry, with our Total Recordable Incident Rate and Experience Modifier Rate typically half the industry average. Our robust safety program, continuous training, and regular audits are some of the ways we aim to mitigate client risk. 

We also have a safety database, which allows us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the field. With this data, we can analyze trends and potential issues to implement appropriate follow-up measures. We lead by example regarding construction site safety, and everyone on our team practices it without exception. 

Talk to our experts

With more than six decades under our belts, we know how to deliver your vision.