We are a construction company.
We are passionate about building spaces where amazing things happen.
Our clients have big dreams, and we take pride in bringing those dreams to life.
As a construction company, safety is one of our top priorities. We take pride in having one of the best safety records in the industry, with our Total Recordable Incident Rate and Experience Modifier Rate typically half the industry average. Our robust safety program, continuous training, and regular audits are some of the ways we aim to mitigate client risk.
We also have a safety database, which allows us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the field. With this data, we can analyze trends and potential issues to implement appropriate follow-up measures. We lead by example regarding construction site safety, and everyone on our team practices it without exception.
What our Clients Say
“Their timely execution and adherence to the schedule allowed for the project to be delivered on time. Their constructive input in evaluating options on the technical aspects of the project was invaluable.”
Pickard Chilton
What our Clients Say
“This is the best construction project team from top to bottom, field and office we’ve ever worked with. We have genuinely enjoyed working with everyone both professionally and personally. It’s been a lot of fun, and you have made our job easy. This was the easiest $100M+ construction job we’ve ever done. You set the bar high thanks for the whole team’s effort!”
Stream Realty
What our Clients Say
“The Harvey Cleary team went above and beyond on our project. There were multiple hurdles/roadblocks that were out of their control and yet, they would find a way to overcome them and get the job done. As you know, Harvey Cleary is a world-class firm. It is people like this team that make Harvey Cleary an easy recommendation to work with. Thank you for always being consistent and great to work with.”
Cushman & Wakefield
Talk to our experts
With more than six decades under our belts, we know how to deliver your vision.