Plan the work. Work the plan. This is the premise of preconstruction services.
Safeguarding the Budget
We take our clients’ budgets seriously by holding the design team accountable. Accountability is not just about keeping score, but also about being honest, transparent, and operating with integrity. We believe that accountability should be a respectful process that values every team member’s expertise. It’s not about being right or wrong but creating the best possible environment for success.
With a clear view of a client’s goals, our preconstruction process yields initial guaranteed maximum pricing, life-cycle payback analysis, preliminary schedules, thorough documents, and a full constructability review. Regardless of project type or size, we guarantee the highest level of precision in preconstruction. Clients don’t want any surprises during construction, and neither do we.
What our Clients Say
“Harvey-Cleary’s contributions during the preconstruction process led to many innovative and creative solutions that saved us time and money later in the job. This was particularly relevant in dealing with several of the subcontractors where Harvey-Cleary’s extensive experience with the local contractors ensured continuity and sequencing when it came time to build.”
TishmanSpeyer Properties Inc.
What our Clients Say
“Early definition of scope, cost, and time is essential to the success of the project. The talented people at Harvey-Cleary have consistently provided us with excellent service in conceptual estimating and scheduling during the project definition phase.”
What our Clients Say
“Most notable in our experience was the manner in which Harvey-Cleary worked with our firm throughout to ensure that our space would meet the needs of our firm at the lowest possible cost. Along with the company’s commitment to detail, responsiveness and overall hospitality, this made our experience with Harvey-Cleary a successful one.”
Brewer & Pritchard
Talk to our experts
With more than six decades under our belts, we know how to deliver your vision.